Currently on Museum loan through February 23rd 2025.
Viktor Iadne
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This mesmerizing sculpture depicts a shaman in a state of trance, transforming into an eagle, a deer, or a bear to gain their strength and abilities. With his head thrown back and his eyes closed, he appears to be communing with the spirits of the natural world.
The shaman's face is covered with a mask, concealing his true identity and allowing him to fully inhabit the animal spirits. His hands are raised in a gesture of supplication, as if he is praying for the well-being of his people and the prosperity of their land.
This exquisitely crafted sculpture is a testament to Viktor Iadne's deep understanding of shamanic traditions and the spiritual beliefs of indigenous cultures. It embodies the shaman's role as a mediator between the human and spirit worlds, and his ability to harness the power of nature for the benefit of his community.